Courtesy British Library (E.1052.(2))

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Cover Art 2 Marko
Jonathan S. Marko on John Locke's Theology
In 1695, John Locke (1632-1704) published The Reasonableness of Christianity. Recently, Jonathan S. Marko...
At The High Tide of Freudianism
At the high tide of Freudianism, it was widely believed, at least by intellectuals, that mankind had...
Book Cover
Royal Justice in Tudor England
In late 2023, Laura Flannigan published Royal Justice and the Making of the Tudor Commonwealth, 1485-1547....
585px-Portrait_of_Philip_II_of_Spain_by_Sofonisba_Anguissola_-_002b 2
When Philip and Mary Ruled
Last year, Gonzalo Velasco Berenguer published Habsburg England: Politics and Religion in the Reign of...
Kieser Faculty Photo
John Owen and Christological Agency
It goes without saying that John Owen is an important figure of historical inquiry. Indeed, that is clear...

Courtesy British Library (C.36.a.3)